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Looking for the best history podcast? We count down the top 39!

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YOU know that feeling you get when your brain starts to buzz when it’s learning something new… when you learn some sh*t that you know is important and your mind literally tingles with excitement?

That’s how my brain didn’t feel when I was learning history in high school. The only benefit to learning about ancient Rome from my High School teacher was that she was so old I assumed she was there at the time, which gave what she was saying more credibility.

But my brain didn’t tingle when she spoke. It shrivelled a little. And that’s a shame because history is one of those important areas of learning that gives your brain a buzz when you take a bit of it in.

And that’s what we want you to go away and do after you find a good history podcast to listen to in this article… take a bit of it in. And feel your brain throttle with the thrill of new knowledge passing through it.

To compile this bad boy, we’ve listened to hundreds of history podcasts and filtered down what we think are the best. We’ll update this list all the time so once you’re done with all these, make sure you keep coming back for more great history pods.

Enjoy the buzz, budding historians!

39. Biography


In Biographyan Australian podcast, host Matt Smith unpacks the biographies of some of history’s most influential figures. Teaming up with subject-matter experts, Smith explores the lives of Ghandi, Ned Kelly, Martin Luther King Jnr. and a host more, often telling their stories over multi-part episodes that bore deeply into the lives of his exalted subjects.

Biography comes in at number 39 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

38. Lectures in History

Lectures in History

Lectures in History is a diverse collection of  lectures delivered by history professors to college and university audiences across the United States. Despite the academic subject matter covered by the podcast, it’s nonetheless accessible. To get a sense for whether you’ll enjoy the show, listen to the episode released on September 10 2017- Why Hip Hop Began in The Bronx.

Lectures in History comes in at number 38 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

37. Arab Spring: A History

Arab Spring A History

No part of the world has given rise to more prolonged hostility than the Middle East over the past century or so, and the conflict unavoidably makes for compelling history. In Arab Spring: A History, host Jamie Redfern covers that history masterfully and in incredible detail, from 1900 to today.

Arab Spring: A History comes in at number 37 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

36. The Ancient World

The Ancient World

The Ancient World podcast is unique in that it doesn’t focus on a specific culture or group of people, but seeks to cover the earliest periods of human history across the globe. Host Scott Chesworth covers the earliest human civilisations in Egypt, the Mediterranean, China, India, Pre-Columbian Central and South America and beyond.

The Ancient World comes in at number 36 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

35. World War I Podcast

World War I Podcast

Meticulously researched and well presented, World War I Podcast produced by the MacArthur Memorial, deserves a spot on this list.  Released to coincide with the centenary of the First World War, this podcast presents the history of the Great War in 20 to 40 minute episodes that are released monthly. By aiming to answer some of the most formidable questions that the 21st century threw up, listeners are given a chronological history of the war’s progression and in-depth analysis of the most significant events and battles. Throughout, its patent that despite the time that has passed, the lessons learnt by the Great War still matter.

World War I Podcast comes in at number 35 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

34. Dan Snow’s History Hit


Dan “the international man of history” Snow is a British historian, BBC television presenter and radio broadcaster who launched his own podcast – Dan Snow’s History Hit – back in 2015. Covering a limitless back catalogue of topics, Snow packs each of his episodes with informative and compelling expert interviews.

Dan Snow’s History Hit comes in at number 34 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

33. Great Lives

Great Lives

From Muhammad Ali to Steve Jobs, Andy Kaufman to Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln to Jeff Buckley. Great Lives is a BBC podcast pitched at an older generation of listener. Nonetheless, there are more than a hundred episodes profiling the lives of history’s giants and, no matter your age, you’re bound to find at least one you enjoy.

Great Lives comes in at number 33 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

32. The History Chicks

The History Chicks

The History Chicks is a homespun show dedicated to the long line of women who’ve made their mark on history. Despite the so-so audio quality and the conversational tone, the two hosts do a great, well-researched job shedding light on the stories behind hundreds of female trailblazers.

The History Chicks comes in at number 32 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

31. The History Hour

The History Hour

“An hour of historical reporting told by the people who were there” is the tagline for the BBC’s podcast, The History HourCovering topics from Martin Luther to the death of Che Guevara, each episode is hosted by Max Pearson who pieces together expert interviews, historical audio and his own fact-telling to deliver a well-rounded, serious history show.

The History Hour comes in at number 31 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

30. A History of the World in 100 Objects

A History of the World in 100 Objects

Though the episodes ran out back in 2010, A History of the World in 100 Objects is worth revisiting. Neil MacGregor, the then Director of the British Museum, pieces together the history of humanity by telling the stories of 100 of the objects that appear in the museum he presides over.

A History of the World in 100 Objects comes in at number 30 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

29. Unbuttoned History

Unbuttoned History

Unbuttoned History is hosted by two Americans who have bantered and laughed their way through more than 200 episodes. The show is completely uncensored, which can turn a bit blue, and may or may not be what you’re into. But it’s definitely easier to listen to than some of the conservative history podcasts, which can at times be like listening to paint dry.

Unbuttoned History comes in at number 29 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

28. Rex Factor

Rex Factor

If you’re interested in the history of the British Monarchy, and are particularly interested in the history of the English and Scottish kings and queens who’ve ruled Britain, you’ll probably like Rex Factor. With episodes dating back to 2010, two hosts discuss and review their way through a never-ending list of monarchs in a lighthearted, conversational style.

Rex Factor comes in at number 28 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

27. The Maritime History Podcast

The Maritime History Podcast

If you can’t see yourself listening to hours upon hours of niche maritime history, you’re probably not going to find The Maritime History Podcast very interestingBut if it’s a topic close to your heart, you’ll enjoy it. Brandon Huebner is a phenomenal host and covers such a broad range of topics, from the Ubaid people to the Persian Navy.

The Maritime History Podcast comes in at number 27 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

26. Stuff You Missed in History Class

Stuff You Missed in History Class

Stuff You Missed in History Class is a product of the HowStuffWorks podcasting conglomerate best known for its flagship show, Stuff You Should Know. Since 2008, two hosts — Tracy V. Wilson and Holly Frey — have compiled a never-ending back catalogue of episodes dealing with virtually every history topic imaginable.

Stuff You Missed in History Class comes in at number 26 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

25. History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps podcast needs no great explanation. With an episode catalogue dating back to 2010, host Peter Adamson has covered hundreds of topics of philosophy, successfully delivering accessible lessons to those of us harbouring no knowledge in the area.

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps comes in at number 25 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

24. History of the Papacy Podcast

History of the Papacy Podcast

Ever wanted to learn the history of the Catholic Church but just didn’t have the time to cover that brief period between Peter’s day and now? Well, good news. The History of the Papacy Podcast covers it all. With an episode catalogue that almost extends back to the Middle Ages, you’re bound to get your Papacy knowledge fix here.

History of the Papacy Podcast comes in at number 24 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

23. In Our Time: History

In Our Time History

In Our Time: History is pitched at both older and academic audiences. If you’re looking for an easily accessible, quasi-entertaining history podcast, you won’t find it here. But if you’re eager to deep-dive into some serious history discussions, no topic is spared by host Melvyn Bragg in an impressive episode catalogue that dates back to 2001.

In Our Time: History comes in at number 23 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

22. Internet History Podcast

Internet History Podcast

The Internet History Podcast is just that — a podcast covering the history of the Internet, from the “first” web browser to the history of Internet porn. Hosted by Brian McCullough, the show tells the tales of our world’s most recent history, encapsulating our present and our future.

Internet History Podcast comes in at number 22 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

21. Queens of England podcast

Queens of England Podcast

The Queens of England Podcast is perfectly suited to anyone who wants to broaden their knowledge of the history of the British Monarchy. The focus of the show is simple and unique and host James Boulton is a skilful narrator and storyteller who eloquently delivers his well-researched tales.

Queens of England podcast comes in at number 21 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

20. Saga Thing

Saga Thing

If you’re a medieval history enthusiast you’re totally going to geek out listening to Saga Thing. The two hosts, John and Andy, are two of the most engaging history hosts we’ve encountered. To get a good taste for Saga Thing, listen to Saga Brief 9 — Thor: The Intersection of Viking Mythology and Popular Culture.

Saga Thing comes in at number 20 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

19. Viking Age Podcast

Viking Age Podcast

It’s evident early that Lee Accomando, the host of the Viking Age Podcast really enjoys the subject matter he covers. He presents each episode with contagious enthusiasm and broadcasting sharpness, which makes the content accessible, even if you’re not that into viking history. If you are into viking history, enjoy!

Viking Age Podcast comes in at number 19 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

18. The British History Podcast

The British History Podcast

The British History Podcast is among the most comprehensive history podcasts available. Launched back in 2011, host Jamie Jeffers, an extremely proficient storyteller, takes listeners on a complete journey through time, spanning the entire chronological past of Britain, from the Ice Ages to, presumably, now (though he’s not quite there yet).

The British History Podcast comes in at number 18 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

17. History of Japan

History of Japan

From the Jomon, Yayoi and Tumulus periods to the real-estate crash that ruined the Japanese economy in 1991, the History of Japan podcasts covers its subject matter in unmitigated detail. While the audio quality needs some tweaking, since 2013 host and PhD student Isaac Meyer has done a commendable job covering the rich Japanese history.

History of Japan comes in at number 17 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

16. Irish History Podcast

Irish History Podcast

From the era of the Barbarians then the Vikings through to the Great Irish Famine of the mid-1800s, the Irish History Podcast is an account of Ireland’s history, and the movement and evolution of its people. Hosted by Fin Dwyer, who delivers his stories with the perfect Irish lilt, the show is as comprehensive and well told as you’re ever going to find on the history of Ireland.

Irish History Podcast comes in at number 16 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

15. The China History Podcast

The China History Podcast

A few minutes into listening to The China History Podcast you should find, like I did, that Laszlo Montgomery is a dynamic host. A deft and confident broadcaster who is well-researched and passionate about the subject matter he covers, the retelling of 5,000 years of a civilisation’s history is in good hands. Like thousands of others have, you’ll enjoy this one.

The China History Podcast comes in at number 15 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

14. The Bowery Boys

The Bowery Boys

If you love history and the city that never sleeps, this podcast was made for you.  Early onto the podcast scene, Greg Young and Tom Meyers have been presenting episodes of The Bowery Boys since 2007. As a result, they have an impressive archive of episodes dedicated to the history of New York city. In each episode, the Boys take listeners on a different historical, cultural and geographical journey in the Big Apple. The episodes are only released monthly but they are thorough and well researched so well worth the wait.  Plus, there’s that massive back catalogue to get through in between new episodes!

The Bowery Boys comes in at number 14 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

13. Slate’s Whistlestop

Slate’s Whistlestop

John Dickerson, of CBS’s Face the Nation fame presents this infectious political history podcast. This pod is a massive geek out for Dickerson who, in each episode of Slate’s Whistlestop, takes listeners back to memorable presidential moments and looks at their impact and lasting effect.  Dickerson’s love for all things politics will ooze into your ears and have you downloading the whole back catalogue of episodes.

Slate’s Whistlestop comes in at number 13 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

12. Russian Rulers History Podcast

Russian Rulers History Podcast

One of the few history podcasts on Russia, the Russian Rulers History Podcast is more academia than it is entertainment. The host, Mark Schauss, is evidently well versed on his subject matter and thorough in his approach and if you are a serious history buff with a love for or interest in Russia, you’ll no doubt find favour with this one.

Russian Rulers History Podcast comes in at number 12 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

11. Buried Truths

Buried Truths

Buried Truths is a brand new NPR podcast dedicated to uncovering untold stories of the black vote being supressed in America in the post-World War II era. In the first episode, host, Professor Hank Klibanoff looks at how the Southern White Democrats conspired to keep Southern Blacks from the ballot boxes. An opening line used by Klibanoff in the first episode of Buried Truths justifies why this podcast warrants attention: “when we understand who we were, we can better understand who we are”. There is no time more important than now to start listening to this pod.

Buried Truths comes in at number 11 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

10. Emperors of Rome

Emperors of Rome

The Emperors of Rome podcast is hosted by Matt Smith for La Trobe University in Melbourne. With special academic and expert guests on the protagonists covered in each episode, the show tells the tales of Rome’s emperors in great detail. If it’s a highly informative, academic podcast on Roman history that you’re looking for, this is for you.

Emperors of Rome comes in at number 10 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

9. Talking History: The Italian Unification

Talking History The Italian Unification

The Talking History: The Italian Unification podcast covers the period of Italy’s history between 1790 and 1870 when the country’s divided states were brought together into the Kingdom of Italy. Hosted by two brothers, Benjamin & Adam Ashwell, the show is the only one we found that covers this very interesting time in European history and makes for enthralling listening.

Talking History: The Italian Unification comes in at number 9 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

8. The Fall of Rome Podcast

The Fall of Rome Podcast

While many of the history podcasts that focus on Rome tell about its rise and power across the globe, The Fall of Rome Podcast tells about its inevitable decline. PhD historian host Patrick Wyman is extremely knowledgeable about his subject matter and has taken to podcast storytelling like a duck to water, engulfing his listeners into the tales he shares.

The Fall of Rome Podcast comes in at number 8 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

7. The History of England

The History of England

With hundreds of episodes spanning centuries of history, The History of England podcast is hosted by David Crowther, an Englishman himself. Similar in format and quality to the renowned The History of RomeCrowther takes his listeners on a journey to discover his country’s royal history, and expands your mind with every new episode.

The History of England comes in at number 7 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

6. Revolutions


Perhaps better known for his award-winning podcast The History of Rome, serial author and podcaster Mike Duncan brings us RevolutionsWith episodes released weekly, Revolutions explores the political upheavals and revolts that have helped shape world history, from the French Revolution to the Cuban Revolution and everything in between.

Revolutions comes in at number 6 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

5. The History of English Podcast

The History of English Podcast

A unique and academic show that focuses on the development and proliferation of the English language across the world, The History of English Podcast is for the history purists reading. Dense but thoroughly engaging subject matter is told by Kevin Stroud, an extremely popular and commanding history teller. If you’re a genuine history devotee, you’ll enjoy this one.

The History of English Podcast comes in at number 5 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

4. The History of Byzantium

Best History Podcasts - The History of Byzantium

Robin Pierson is another of the most listenable hosts we’ve come across. As host of The History of Byzantiumhe pays homage to the storied Byzantine history, from 476AD to the 1453 fall of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire. An alluring storyteller, Pierson follows in the footsteps of Roman history podcasting giant, Mike Duncan and his History of Rome, educating a new world audience of thirsty enthusiasts.

The History of Byzantium comes in at number 4 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

3. History on Fire

History on Fire

Daniele Bolelli is an Italian-born American historian, professor and writer best known for his work of martial arts philosophy, On the Warrior’s Path. Bolelli brings his strong wit, accent and storytelling prowess to his podcast, History on Firewhere he explores a long line of famous and infamous figures, events and places.

History on Fire comes in at number 3 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

2. The History of Rome

The History of Rome

In every podcast genre there are a few heavyweights that rise above the rest. When it comes to history, The History of Rome is one of those heavyweights. Host Mike Duncan shot to podcast fame with his impeccable retelling of the vast Roman Empire. With an unwavering fan base and an episode catalogue spanning from 2007 to 2013, Duncan covers the rise and fall of the Empire in all its gory detail. Beautifully told and inescapably addictive, The History of Rome deserves its place amongst the top history podcasts.

The History of Rome comes in at number 2 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.

1. Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Dan Carlin is one of the podcast medium’s earliest giants. A political commentator, journalist, news reporter and all-round riveting storyteller, Carlin’s history podcast, aptly named Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History tops our list. While Carlin is unreliably sporadic with the production of new episodes (months go by between releases), when they do eventually pop they pop with unrivalled gusto and depth (the latest episode runs six hours long), and cause his reputation as one of the world’s podcasting elite to thicken. If you plan to dedicate any time at all to the history genre, you would be negligent not to start here.

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History comes in at number 1 as one of our best history podcasts. Heard this podcast before? Leave it a review.